Monday, September 17, 2012


My weekend was by far the awesomeness! Before I get into why is was... let me first say, I weighed in on Saturday and didn't lose a thing! BUT I also didn't gain! So staying the same is still a victory! YAH! But I'm definitely going to work harder this week. I've been slipping on my water intake and haven't been to the gym as much as I would have liked to. But it's a new day and a new week... so wish me luck! J  Now, on to the awesomeness...

Friday I went to this all woman's gathering called the "Help Me Series." It's a series of meetings, once a month in the Fall, for all women, to come together and fellowship. But most importantly, to receive a Word and inspiration from God. This session was "Help Me I'm Single." It's hosted by a woman pastor from one of my local churches. Which she is awesome in itself! She's real, relatable, and  breaks the Bible down in terms you can understand and identify with. I love her preaching! *Note- I don't go to church often. And I'm not a member anywhere. I do like to visit here and there... to hear the Word and to be closer to God. I do know Him and know all that I am and have is due to Him. So between my family and 2 jobs... I don't get to go as much. But I know He knows my heart J * So to make a long story short, guess what? I ended up getting saved! Yes, saved! And I feel NEW! You hear me? NEW! The only thing was, I didn't know what to do next! LOL! But what I did know was I was making it to church Sunday morning. And I did. And you know what was ironic about this past Sunday? It was National Get Back To Church Day! *click on the link... they played this in church. It's funny! LOL* Ain't that crazy? At that point, I knew it wasn't a coincident I was there at such a time as this! This was definitely God's work! And I was truly blessed by that! Next week, the hubby said he would come as well. I really hope he does. I want to start bringing my whole family. It's time to get. back. to. church!

SB: Who knew that when I decided to make a lifestyle change that it would imply all of this??! I just wanted to start to eat healthy and lose weight. But now I'm truly changing my life! *thinking to myself* Thank You Jesus!

Well all, enjoy your day and I'll check back in later. Until next time, HOLLA!!

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